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The 10th International Workshop on

Solid-State Quantum Computing

November 29-December 1 2021
City University of Hong Kong


International Advisory Committee

Per Delsing

Steven Girvin

Yasunobu Nakamura

Franco Nori

Jian-Wei Pan

Alexey Ustinov

Peiheng Wu

Chalmers University of Technology

Yale University

University of Tokyo

RIKEN and University of Michigan

University of Science and Technology of China

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

Nanjing University

Organizing Committee

Sunny Xin Wang

Zidan Wang

Yang Yu

Jiangbin Gong

Jaewan Kim

Renbao Liu

Kouichi Semba

Wei-Min Zhang

City University of Hong Kong, chair

University of Hong Kong, co-chair

Nanjing University, co-chair

National University of Singapore

Korea Institute for Advanced Study

Chinese University of Hong Kong

National Institute of Information & Communications Tech., Japan

National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan


Aiming to pursue excellence in the research of solid-state quantum computing and related areas, the series of IWSSQC has brought together researchers from the greater China region and overseas. The first IWSSQC was held in Nanjing (2007), and then Taipei (2008), Hong Kong (2009), Shanghai (2010), Hong Kong (2011), Beijing (2013), Nanjing (2015), Taipei (2017), and Hangzhou (2018).

The 10th IWSSQC was originally scheduled to be held in City University of Hong Kong in November 2019, but was unfortunately postponed twice, due to the social unrest in Hong Kong and the COVID-19 pandemic. IWSSQC-10 will be held between November 29 and December 1 2021 in a hybrid form. IWSSQC-10 will be a three-day workshop providing an opportunity for the international scientific community to discuss the recent experimental and theoretical developments in all aspects of solid-state implementations for quantum information processing as well as related areas. Topics covered will include, but not limited to, superconducting qubits, trapped ions, nuclear magnetic resonance, quantum dots, quantum optics, topological quantum computing, quantum algorithms and quantum sensing.




© 2021 IWSSQC 2021.

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